Meet the Guardian of your Clarity

Meet Clari Sanguily

In her first book, Blind Faith is THE WAY, Clari shares fifteen miracles she was blessed to experience since her early twenties. Most of them have a witness, and many were life-saving moments that taught her there is much more in life for the taking than meets the eye. The vast wisdom she acquired through her miracles transformed her outlook on life and allowed her to develop mental and emotional clarity. This blessing led her to start living the life of her dreams.

Clari shares many of her miraculous experiences in order to create a much-needed shift in the way you perceive life, in the way you look at yourself, and in the way you understand and identify with the blessed gift of your personal clarity. Through this book, Clari will teach you how to guard your clarity from your undesired negative thoughts. To accomplish this, she offers you a step-by-step system that will lead you to acquire a new level of awareness. Her system will teach you how your energy centers function, and how they will improve your overall well-being once they are well-balanced. Your energy centers are directly linked to your mental and emotional clarity. This means that unbalanced energy centers equal zero clarity. Clari’s system will gradually eliminate the undesired blocks in your energy, so you can develop the required clarity that will prepare you for a journey into a miraculous world. Her insightful guide takes a fresh, original approach to personal transformation and offers a never-heard-of outlook on life.

Clari also offers personal, bio-energy stress release therapy sessions. They will balance the energy vibration levels spinning off from your mental, physical and emotional bodies, balancing your energy centers to promote a healthier state of overall well-being. Clari uses advanced bio-energy technology to balance your main energy centers. This technique will develop your mental and emotional clarity in a substantially short period of time. Once you reach that level of intuitive and emotional development, you will realize that through balancing your energy centers, your physical, emotional, and mental health will improve substantially. You will begin to enjoy your life through a newly acquired awareness of your true potential. Clari’s bio-energy sessions are computerized and logged in a personal file under your name. They will chart your progress in easy to follow 3D graphic visuals for future reference. Her system will keep you on track with your energy’s progress, and Clari will become the guardian of your new treasure in life:

Your Mental & Emotional Clarity!

Clari shares:
Following the fifteen golden keys in my book, and attending my bio-energy stress release sessions will lead you to develop mental and emotional clarity in order to own your personal power. Once you do, you will be able to control your future in a much more efficient way, You will learn to block fear from intruding your mind and your feelings in order to start living a life beyond your wildest dreams: a life surrounded by miracles like mine is. The wisdom within these fifteen keys will even challenge the most elevated of minds. No matter your world view, belief system or religion, this guide to discover a new, miraculous existence is a much-needed wake-up call for the masses.

Learn what you really are about. Take-off the blinders that control you without you even knowing, and along your personal path to clarity, learn how to live the life of your dreams!”